Friday, April 12, 2013


Finally, it's out!

At long last, Dark moon is available as an ebook and as` a Trade paperback.  Availableb from in book form and in Kendle format.  Also available vfrom barns and nobel, and other book outlets.  Get it today.steve

Friday, June 08, 2012


Dark Moon still not out, working on something else

Alhough Dark Moon  is still to be released, I'm almost finished with my non-fiction book Paranormal Hypnosis.  I hope to have it finished in aabout a month and it will probably  be out before Dark Moon is the way things are going with it.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


New cover for Dark Moon

I finally received word for my publisher theat my book, Dark Moon, was being readied for publication. They had a new cover made and my name was spelled wrong on the cover. Here it is if I can figure out how to upload it here. Keep watching it may be out soon. (fingers crossed)

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Currently Working on Paranormal Hypnosis

As I am currently working on a book about Paranormal Hypnosis I thought I'd jot down some thoughts on it.
1. I am qualified to write this book because I've been using hypnosis since I was 12 years old.
2. Also, I am a registered hypnotherapist and a certified hypnotherapy Instructor.
3. Further, I am the author of Hypnosis in Healthcare a book on hypnotherapy.
4. Thoughts: I was one of the first People in the country to study Hypnosis and ESP together. I also studied hypnosis and the Paranormal.
5. Now this is a bit controversial due to the fact that to combat resistance, every hypnotist says that a person under hypnosis cannot be made to do anything he wouldn't do normally. Now think about that. The only reason a person is hypnotized is to get him to do something that he wouldn't do normally. If you could quit smoking without hypnosis you would. If you would lose weight you would do it. Is it normal for your arm to be stiff as if it were made out of Iron? Is it normal for your body to be so stiff that you can lie down with a chair under your shoulders and feet and have someone sit on your middle without bending? No. The only reason for hypnotizing anyone is to get them to do something they wouldn't normally do. Bark like a dog, forget the number 5 exists, remember past life experiences or whatever reason a person is hypnotized. The only reason a person is hypnotized is to get him to do things he wouldn't normally do. If what you want to do doesn't work, you try it again with another subject. You can get a hypnotized subject to do things he wouldn't normally do.
If you'd like a copy of Hypnosis in Healthcare you can buy it from or
or you can enter here to win a free copy, just email me your name, address and age at one of my books is given away to a lucky winner each month. Steve

Thursday, March 08, 2012


When you enter my contest...

When you enter to win a paper copy of one of my books be sure you include your address where you want the book sent. Thanks, Steve
Send your name, address, age to

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


November has come and gone!

Well, November has come and gone without Dark Moon being published, my co-writer, Beverley Bateman was skeptical that it would be printed in November in spite of the publisher's encouragement. Perhaps it will be published this month, but it is not on the schedule yet. My fingers are crossed that it will be published soon. Steve

Thursday, December 01, 2011


Latest Winner!

The Latest winner of my book giveway is Jeff Spaulding of Arizona. He put his name in the hat for a paper copy of one of my book, Dreams of April Ten. You could be the next winner. Just ask, it costs you nothing, even the shipping is free. The email addy to submit to is : Nothing to it. Steve

Christmas Time

Well, it is nearly Christmas time and I have yet to blog regularly even though that was my intent. I think the hardests thing for writers to do is to actually write. I still haven't finished my new book either, and it should have been done a year or so ago. It is a non-fiction work on paranormal hypnosis. I hope it does well. A lot of people are getting ebook readers so maybe that will translate into new sales. Also, my latest work, Dark Moon, from Mundania Press is still not out yet, although I keep hearing promisess it was written with Canadian writer Beverley Batemann before Katrina struck New Orleans and much of the story takes place in that city. My wife wants me to eat lunch so I guess I'll go for now. Remember to submit your name and address to my book give-away. Just let me know whether you want an ebook or paper book and you could win one. Send me an email saying what you want and I'll pick a name out of the hat and giveaway a book each month. Steve

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